C+C Music FactoryCheshiresCompany Of Snakes, The
Cable35ChesnuTT, CodyComplicators, The
CactusChevelleConcrete Knives
Cafebar 401Chew, HansCondo, Ray (Ray Condo & His ...
Cage The ElephantChicConfederate Railroad
Cagle, Susan (Susan Justice)...ChicagoConlon, Ultan
CailynChickenfootConnor, Joanna
CairoChicks, TheConsidering Lily
CakeChiddy BangConspiracy
CalexicoChieftains, TheContinental Drifters
CalhounChilders, TylerControl Denied
CalibanChildren of BodomConverge
California Transit Authority...Childs, PamCooder, Ry (Ry Cooder / Manu...
California WivesChimairaCook, Dane
Call And ResponseChimeras, TheCooke, Sam
Call, TheChinahCooper, Alice
CallaghanChinaman / 2 Live CrewCopeland, Stewart
Callahan, JessicaChipmunks, TheCoplan, Stephie (Stephie Cop...
Campbell, GlenChocolate Horse, TheCordle, Larry
Campbell, JessicaChoir Of Young BelieversCore
Campfire OKChoir, TheCorgan, William Patrick
Campilongo, JimCholaCork
Campos, ConchitaChoose To FindCorley, David
CandiriaChops, Johnny (And The Razor...Cornell, Chris
CandleboxChristos DCCorreia, Amy
Candye KaneChroma KeyCorrosion Of Conformity
Canned HeatChrome LocustCorrs, The
Cannibal CorpseChuck DCosgrove, Miranda
Cannibal OxChui-Moore, KambuiCosmic Suckerpunch
Cantor, RobChumbawambaCossa, Benji
Cantrell, JerryChungkingCostanza
Cantrell, LauraChurch TongueCostello, Elvis
CanvasChurch, TheCote, Paul
Capital PunishmentCincinnati Chamber Orchestra...Cotton, Danielia
Capitanelli, FranCincotti, PeterCotton, Josie
Captain & TennilleCinderellaCouch, Jonny
Captain BeefheartCinema CinemaCount The Stars
Captain BeyondCircaCounting Crows
Captain FreakCircle JerksCountry Joe & The Fish
Car Stereo WarsCircuit BreakerCourt Yard Hounds
CaravanCircuit DiagramCousin Oliver
Caravan PalaceCircus Of PowerCoverdale/Page
Carbon LeafCirque Du SoleilCowan, John
Carburetors, TheCitizens of Contrary Knowled...Cowbell
Cardenes, AndresCitizens!Cowboy
Cardinal Sin, TheCitizens, TheCowboy Junkies
CarefulCity And ColourCowgill
Carey, MariahCivil CarnageCowley, Neil (Neil Cowley Tr...
Carillo, Frank (Frank Carill...CKYCowsill, Susan
Carlile, BrandiClancy Brothers, TheCowsills, The
Carlin, GeorgeClap Your Hands Say YeahCoy, The
Carlisle, BelindaClapton, EricCoyle, T. Thorn
Carlos, WendyClaret, ChantalCR & The Nones
Carlton, LarryClark Jr., GaryCrack Up
Carnal ForgeClark, GuyCracker
Carne, JeanClark, PetulaCradle Of Filth
CarnevilClarke, GilbyCranberries, The
Caron, David J.Clarke, StanleyCranes
Carp, JordanClarksCrash Test Dummies
Carpenter, Mary ChapinClarkson, KellyCrawford, Davell
CarpentersClash, TheCrawford, Hank (Hank Crawfor...
Carrack, PaulClass M PlanetsCrawford, Michael
CarrollClaudettes, TheCray, Robert
Carroll, MarleyClawfingerCrazy Mary
Cars, TheClay People, TheCream
Carter, CarleneClayton-Thomas, DavidCreation, The
Carter, DeanaClear ThingCreature In The Woods
Carter, ReginaCleaver, ChuckCreed
Carters, TheClement, DavidCreedence Clearwater Revival...
Cartoon BoyfriendClements, JimCrematory
Case In TheoryCleveland, AshleyCrenshaw, Marshall
Case, NekoCleveland, ShanaCrewe, Bob
Case, PeterCliff, JimmyCribs, The
case/lang/veirsCline, PatsyCrim
Casey, KaranClinicCrimson Faced
Cash, JohnnyClinton, GeorgeCrimson Glory
Cash, RosanneClooney, RosemaryCritelli, Frank
Cassidy, DavidClose TalkerCroce, Jim
Cassidy, EvaClose Your EyesCronkite, Walter
Cast Of Cheers, TheClutchCropper, Steve & Felix Caval...
Casting CrownsClydeCrosby Stills Nash & Young
Castro, EdoClyne, Roger (Roger Clyne & ...Crosby, Stills & Nash
Cat Empire, TheCo-PilgrimCross, Christopher
Cat Mother And The All Night...Coal ChamberCrossbreed
Catalena, ChrisCoal Porters, TheCrow, Sheryl
CatastrophicCoasters, The Crowbar
Catherine WheelCobain, KurtCrowd Company
Cattaneo, SusanCochran, TammyCrowded House
Cattle DecapitationCock SparrerCrowder
Cave, Nick (Nick Cave And Th...Cockburn, BruceCrowder, David (David Crowde...
CavemanCocker, JarvisCrowe, J.D. & The New South
Cavemen, TheCocker, JoeCrowell, Rodney
CeLangeCockeyed GhostCrown, The
CellesteCocofunkaCrucified Barbara
Celtic WomanCocteau TwinsCrushed
Centric JonesCodetalkers, The (Feat. Col....Cub Koda & The Points
CeruleanCoffey, DennisCuba, Alex
Cervenka, ExeneCoffey, KellieCubeta, Chris
CFCFCoheed And CambriaCuchetti, Tony
Chad ValleyCohen, AliceCulann's Hounds
Chadwick, HenryCohen, LeonardCullum, Jamie
Chainsmokers, TheCoke WeedCult Of Luna
Chalk FarMColdCult, The
Chamberlin, JimmyColdplayCultfever
Chance The RapperCole, J.Cultivators, The
Chandler Travis Philharmonic...Cole, JudeCulture Club
Chaos ChaosCole, LloydCummings, Johnny
Chapin, HarryCole, Nat KingCunniff, Jill
Chapman, Beth NielsenCole, NatalieCunningham, Dana
Chapman, MarshallCole, PaulaCunningham, Thomas
Chapman, Steven CurtisColeman, MarshallCunningham, Wes
Chapman, TracyCollapse Under The EmpireCure For Gravity
Charanga CakewalkCollapsing SceneryCure, The
Charles, ChuckCollapsisCurfman, Shannon
Charles, RayCollective SoulCurnin, Cy
Charlotte & MagonCollett, JasonCurse Of Lono
Charming DisasterCollins, AlbertCursive
Charming HostessCollins, BootsyCurtis
Chase, SamCollins, JudyCurtis, Catie
Chasing VictoryCollins, PaulCurve
ChayanneCollins, PhilCurved Air
Cheap TrickColor FilmCut Copy
CheatahsColor RadioCutters
Cheer-AccidentColosseumCutting, Jennifer
Cheese PeopleColourblindCuzzi, Joel
ChelanColtrane, JohnCyclefly
Chelsea Smiles, TheColvin, ShawnCygnets
Chemical BrothersComancheroCypress Hill
CherComerford, ThomasCyrkle, The
Cherry Poppin' DaddiesCommander CodyCyrus, Billy Ray
Cherry, NenehCommonCyrus, Miley
All content © The Daily Vault unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article or any portion thereof without express written consent of The Daily Vault is prohibited. Album covers are the intellectual property of their respective record labels, and are used in the context of reviews and stories for reference purposes only.