Tom Haugen's Reviews

ArtistAlbumReview Date
Mike WexlerDispossession2012-03-22
Dave BarnesStories To Tell2012-03-26
CygnetsDark Days2012-03-31
Tim FiteAin't Ain't Ain't2012-04-03
Yukon BlondeTiger Talk2012-04-09
Mati ZundelAmazonico Gravitante2012-04-11
Mark StewartThe Politics Of Envy2012-04-12
Wave Sleep WaveWave Sleep Wave2012-04-14
BretonOther People’s Problems2012-04-17
The LumineersThe Lumineers2012-04-23
Kasper BjorkeFool2012-04-25
Susan JusticeEat Dirt2012-04-27
White RabbitsMilk Famous2012-05-02
Hollis BrownNothing & The Famous No One (EP)2012-05-06
Ravens & ChimesHoliday Life2012-05-08
Silo HaloNight And The City2012-05-10
Dante Vs ZombiesBuh2012-05-15
It's A MusicalFor Years And Years2012-05-17
Maps & AtlasesBeware And Be Grateful2012-05-21
Caravan PalacePanic2012-05-23
Emily WellsMama2012-05-25
Bob Reuter's Alley GhostBorn There2012-05-27
Greg LaswellLandline2012-06-02
Smash Palace…Do It Again2012-06-04
Choir Of Young BelieversRhine Gold2012-06-05
Electric GuestMondo2012-06-07
The High Strung¿Posible O' Imposible?2012-06-09
Dot HackerInhibition2012-06-12

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Tom Haugen's Articles

TitleTypeArticle Date
2012: Best Of TomBest of2012-12-16
2013: Tom's Top 10Best of2013-12-19
Finding Fela: Documentary Chronicles Mercurial Musician/Activist Fela KutiFeature2014-10-11
2014: Tom's Top FiveBest of2014-12-15
2015: Tom's End Of Year ReviewBest of2015-12-18
Trouble Boys Charts the Replacements' Rise and FallFeature2016-10-03
2016: Tom's Best OfBest of2016-12-16
2017: Tom's Top 10Best of2017-12-13
2018: Tom's Top TenBest of2018-12-15
2019: Tom's Top TenBest of2019-12-16
2020: Tom's Top TenBest of2020-12-12
2021: Tom's Top TenBest of2021-12-13
Peter And The WolvesFeature2022-01-18
2022: Tom's Top TenBest of2022-12-12
2023: Tom's Top TenBest of2023-12-16
2024: Tom's Top TenBest of2024-12-16