Let The Violence Begin
Necropolis Records, 2000
REVIEW BY: Christopher Thelen
So the question comes up one morning: What would Motorhead's Lemmy Kilmister sound like if he fronted a thrash/death metal outfit?
Okay, so that might not be normal conversation in your household over Post Toasties... and even in my household, I found myself talking to the dog about this. (My wife barely tolerates most of the music I listen to anyway... maybe next Christmas she'll buy me a set of wireless headphones.) "So, Piper, how do you think it would sound?" I asked.
"Ruff," she said... and proceeded to leave a present for me on
our new carpeting. I then quoted
Hamlet: "OUT, DAMN SPOT! OUT, I SAY!!!"
We have since gotten rid of the dog - not because she couldn't control her bowels, but because she obviously doesn't know shit about music. (No, no, wait... did I say that?) Maybe if I had played Let The Violence Begin, the debut effort from Dreams Of Damnation, it would have helped. This trio doesn't provide a lot of material to base an opinion on - the six songs clock in around 27 minutes - but it's enough to make me realize I want to hear more from them.
Comparing bassist/vocalist Charlie Silva to Kilmister isn't totally fair, to be honest. Silva's approach to the bass guitar is different (though enjoyable), and his vocals aren't nearly as battle-scarred. But there is a resemblence in the vocal style that keeps making me think of Kilmister - and I do mean that as a high compliment. Guitarist Jim Durkin (best known for his work in Dark Angel) and drummer Al "Mayhem" Mendez round out what promises to be a band to watch in the future.
Not that the music they're making in the present is bad. Songs like "Blood To Free A Soul," "Cremation Day" and "Demonic Celebration" all invoke the ghosts of bands past to draw upon their intense energy. But what makes Dreams Of Damnation stand apart is that they don't lift any of the musical tricks from these bands, choosing instead to pave their own trail towards their goal. Have you heard the phrase "everything old is new again"? Dreams Of Damnation are proof of this.
Yet I wish they had put together more than an EP worth of material to get the blood flowing. Oh, these six songs are all satisfying, but they do leave the listener wanting to hear more. Maybe it's better to hold off on some of your musical punches and allow the other person to regain their strength before you go in for the kill. Let's hope this is the strategy of Dreams Of Damnation.
Let The Violence Begin is a powerful and enjoyable first effort from these music scene veterans, and promises to be just the opening salvo of an intense musical bombardment.