Christopher Thelen's Reviews

ArtistAlbumReview Date
Grateful DeadFillmore West 1969: The Complete Recordings2022-08-08
Blues TravelerSave His Soul2022-08-06
Koko TaylorI Got What It Takes2022-08-01
Black 'N BlueBlack 'N Blue2022-07-30
Luther AllisonSoul Fixin’ Man2022-07-26
MegadethPeace Sells… But Who’s Buying?2022-07-20
Power PoseI'm Looking2022-07-15
AC/DCIf You Want Blood You've Got It2022-06-09
Def LeppardDiamond Star Halos2022-06-03
Son SealsThe Son Seals Blues Band2022-06-01
SteppenwolfEarly Steppenwolf2022-05-24
John PrineJohn Prine2022-05-16
TestamentThe Legacy2022-05-13
MetallicaMaster Of Puppets (Deluxe Box Set)2022-01-13
Iron MaidenSenjutsu2021-11-18
Iron MaidenDance Of Death2019-08-06
Ozzy OsbourneNo Rest For The Wicked2019-07-26
Mercyful FateIn The Shadows2019-07-24
Van HalenA Different Kind Of Truth2019-07-22
Grateful Dead30 Trips Around The Sun: The Definitive Live Story 1965-19952018-12-21
Van HalenFair Warning2018-06-01
Chuck BerryChuck2017-06-26
Johnny CougarChestnut Street Incident2017-06-23
Blink-182Dude Ranch2017-06-17
Roxy MusicRoxy Music2017-06-16
John DenverBack Home Again2017-06-15
Mike OldfieldAmarok2017-06-14
Joni MitchellMingus2017-06-13
John LennonSome Time In New York City2017-06-12

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Christopher Thelen's Articles

TitleTypeArticle Date
Anthrax Stumble Out Of The Gate, But Return To Be 'Among The Living'Feature2005-05-02
House Lights... The Concert's OverEssay2005-09-30
New Year's Madness 1998Essay1998-12-31
A Dream Goes On ForeverEssay2007-01-02
It Was Twenty Years Ago TodayFeature2017-01-13
Rock And Roll All NiteFeature2020-05-18
A Dangerous MeetingFeature2020-06-01
Invisible GuestsFeature2020-06-15
Tied To The Whippin' PostFeature2020-06-29
Silver HighlightsEssay2022-01-13
Marillion Breaks The "Seven Year Itch"Feature2004-10-04
Dio: Dreamers Never DieFeature2023-09-18