Christopher Thelen's Reviews

ArtistAlbumReview Date
Jonn SerriePlanetary Chronicles Vol. I2004-07-01
Derek SherinianPlanet X1999-07-22
Bob DylanPlanet Waves2008-01-16
Pissing RazorsPissing Razors1999-01-08
ReservoirPink Machine1998-01-13
Wishbone AshPilgrimage2023-05-18
Eric ClaptonPilgrim1998-03-23
Various ArtistsPierre's Plastic Dream1999-08-13
Iron MaidenPiece Of Mind1999-08-17
Johnny DowdPictures From Life's Other Side1999-09-28
Jim BrickmanPicture This2001-09-21
Riley Lee & Satsuki OdamuraPicture Dreams2004-02-27
Various ArtistsPickin' On Jimmy Buffett: A Bluegrass Tribute2001-01-04
Led ZeppelinPhysical Graffiti1999-08-16
The Tragically HipPhantom Power1998-08-03
Peter, Paul & MaryPeter, Paul & Mommy1998-06-20
SoundtrackPeter Pan1999-03-14
Fleetwood MacPeter Green's Fleetwood Mac2007-08-06
The DarknessPermission To Land2004-03-30
RushPermanent Waves2002-06-04
AerosmithPermanent Vacation2004-03-23
Janis JoplinPearl1999-08-30
Enuff Z'NuffPeach Fuzz2001-02-27
MegadethPeace Sells… But Who’s Buying?2022-07-20
The PoguesPeace And Love1998-08-31
Jim BrickmanPeace2003-12-19
Bob DylanPat Garrett And Billy The Kid2017-04-20
Black SabbathPast Lives2004-02-04

<< 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 >>

Christopher Thelen's Articles

TitleTypeArticle Date
Anthrax Stumble Out Of The Gate, But Return To Be 'Among The Living'Feature2005-05-02
House Lights... The Concert's OverEssay2005-09-30
New Year's Madness 1998Essay1998-12-31
A Dream Goes On ForeverEssay2007-01-02
It Was Twenty Years Ago TodayFeature2017-01-13
Rock And Roll All NiteFeature2020-05-18
A Dangerous MeetingFeature2020-06-01
Invisible GuestsFeature2020-06-15
Tied To The Whippin' PostFeature2020-06-29
Silver HighlightsEssay2022-01-13
Marillion Breaks The "Seven Year Itch"Feature2004-10-04
Dio: Dreamers Never DieFeature2023-09-18