It would be easy, as a man, to write off the soundtrack to the film Bounce by simply saying, "Chick flick." Chances are, if you're a guy, you've been thinking of reasons not to see this film with your sweetie.
Ladies, let me talk to the guys here for a minute. Don't be offended; you can read the rest of the review. But I need to talk some sense into my fellow cave-dwellers... and, no, that doesn't mean I'll convince them to take you to see this movie. I've sat through enough crappy films that the wife wanted to see, and I'm not about to force anyone to go through that kind of torture. Two words: Before Sunrise... I still haven't forgiven my wife for making me see that stinkburger.
Guys, don't be fooled when it comes to this soundtrack. If you
enjoy light pop melodies with a hint of attitude, then Bounce is
going to be an enjoyable CD to listen to.
In fact, there's only two real weaknesses on this disc. The first is Carly Simon's contribution, "Our Affair (Remix)". Sorry, Carly, but you haven't done anything to float my boat since "Anticipation"... and every time I hear that song these days, I get a craving for ketchup. (Christ, I'm showing my age with that crack.) The second, at least, is an ambitious flaw - and it comes from BT on their track "Never Gonna Come Back Down". I don't know whether they were trying to put a new spin on rap-based rock or if they were parodying it, but this one just falls off the speakers with a deafening thud. I will, though, give them points for moxie.
Yet Bounce has many more success stories contanied in its tracks - and some of them might even surprise the ladies. Leigh Nash, best known as the singer for Sixpence None The Richer, steps into the solo spotlight with "Need To Be Next To You" and proves that she could easily juggle solo and band life and make both successful. I wouldn't be surprised to see Nash get a solo deal on the strength of this track. Likewise, Morcheeba ("Rome Wasn't Built In A Day"), Angie Aparo ("Hush") and Anika Paris ("I'm No Ordinary Girl") leave positive impressions on the listener.
Perhaps the most intriguing track on Bounce comes from Delerium - and even though Nettwerk Records was kind enough to send me this band's disc recently (memo to Armand: the review on that one will be up soon), I can't tell you much about this group, except they impressed the hell out of me. Sure, I'd like to call them heirs (pretenders?) to the throne of Enigma, but if "Silence," a track featuring the vocal talents of one Sarah McLachlan, is a portent of things to come on their disc, I'll be yanking the shrink-wrap off that disc when I finally get home.
I could go on and on about the contributions from Sophie B. Hawkins, Sister Seven, Dido and Beth Orton, but in the end, it's the music on Bounce that speaks volumes. As a compendium of pop music in late 2000, this is a wonderful slice of what's out there, and should make you want to hear more from some of these artists.
And, guys, even if I haven't convinced you to check out this disc, then at least consider buying it for your sweetie for the holidays. It might make up for your not wanting to sit through another chick flick.