Hi Beams


Luaka Bop Records, 2013


REVIEW BY: Tom Haugen


Brooklyn cousins Tom Van Buskirk and George Langford are two guys who love to tweak, manipulate, intimidate, and play with sounds both organically and via machines. The duo have explored multiple genres over the years, and their bedroom pop project Javelin released No Mas three years ago, and in doing so, instantly became indie-tronica heavyweights. my_heart_sings_the_harmony_web_ad_alt_250

For their sophomore album, the pair lost the 'bedroom' tag and went into an actual studio to record. With more noisemakers at their disposal, the sounds explored become much more vast – and understandably so. Cowbells, hand clapping, wood blocks, and a high use of samples are all in check, as are well, 'normal' songwriting ideas – something that hasn't always been at the forefront of Javelin's songs. The result is a grab bag of tones and influences and never stay idle from beginning to end, amazingly showing even more creativity even if in a more pop accessible fashion.

An album where no two songs sound the same, “Airfield” is one of the most nostalgic offerings and has disco written all over it. “The Stars” on the other hand, is a more modern tune and channels breezy harmonies and is one of the most upbeat tracks, dreamy and hypnotic and somewhat close to “ordinary.” “Judgement Nite” and “Garth Hudson” are both instrumentals, the former definitely sounding out of their element in an anthemic stadium rock sort of way but serves as one of the highlights here.“Nnormal” is anything but, with repetitious guitars and vocal effects. This is one of the most unusual songs in a batch of tunes that are all unconventional. "L'Ocean" is a quick indie dance tune, as is "Drummachines,” though it has a firm '80s feel.

Whereas their earlier work seemed more like the band were piecing together random bits and pieces to form songs, here the arrangements seem much more realized. Making full use of the studio, their ideas have more room to grow and have blossomed into an excellent second album.

Rating: B+

User Rating: Not Yet Rated



© 2013 Tom Haugen and The Daily Vault. All rights reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of Luaka Bop Records, and is used for informational purposes only.