Being And Nothing

Extreme Noise Terror

Candlelight Records, 2001

REVIEW BY: Christopher Thelen


I just discovered something that might just put Starbucks out of business. You don't need a triple latte and scone to wake you up on a cold, dreary morning. All you need is a simple 30-minute blast of Extreme Noise Terror.

This seminal British grindcore band's latest disc, Being And Nothing, is a real shot in the arm for a genre that has seen far too many cookie-cutter bands. Deploying a one-two punch in the vocal section with Dean Jones and Adam Catchpole handling the growls, this band makes me remember just what I first heard in grindcore that made it so exciting for me.my_heart_sings_the_harmony_web_ad_alt_250

The opening title track alone is the equivalent of shock paddles to the heart if you're not fully prepared for the onslaught that is to follow. Drummer Zac O'Neil lures you into a feeling of safety by counting off the beat with his sticks - then, along with the rest of the band, proceeds to demolish his drum kit with speed and furiousity I haven't heard in a long time.

The dual guitar attack of Butcher and Gian Pyres (the latter from Cradle Of Filth) is as powerful as the dual-vocalist kidney punch that makes up Being And Nothing. Each musician (including the singers) seem to know when to back off of their instruments, allowing the listener a moment to catch their breath before the audio pummeling begins anew. It's not often one enjoys feeling like they're going 12 rounds with Mike Tyson, but this is true bliss for fans of this genre.

If there's any drawback to this album, it's that the attack is so furious that it's sometimes difficult to separate one song from the other. Sure, there's a brief moment on "Man Made Hell" when Jones and Catchpole are a little easier to comprehend, but they soon return to the indecipherable vocal attack that is a signpost of grindcore. (Lyric sheets might have been of some assistance.) But it seems to go without saying that tracks such as "Awakening," "No Longer As Slaves" and "Through Mayhem" will cause more than a few necks to be real sore in the morning.

Being And Nothing might be a first taste of Extreme Noise Terror to some people, but once you've tried it, my guess is that it won't be the last. A form of caffiene for the ears, this disc is one of the best I've heard in the grindcore genre.

Rating: B+

User Rating: Not Yet Rated



© 2001 Christopher Thelen and The Daily Vault. All rights reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of Candlelight Records, and is used for informational purposes only.